I’ve released a new version of Hummingbird. This is a bug-fix release, resolving some issues in automatic hyperlinking and in recognition of multiple hashtags in a single tweet. (Yes, this is why I did a couple of tweets hashtagged “#testing” a couple of days ago.) Downloads are available from the Hummingbird project page, or using […]
Tag Archives: release
Hummingbird Version 0.66 Released
This is largely a bug-fix release. Tom Clift, of PaperCut print management software, kindly informed me of a few installation issues that my own tests didn’t find. The profusion of configuration options in PHP can make testing everything on a single server quite difficult. This would be a good time for me to mention that […]
Announcing Hummingbird Version 0.65
I see that I never bothered announcing the v0.61 release. That was a minor bug-fix, resolving an issue where Hummingbird would fail if the XML cache file was empty. The latest release is one that allows multiple versions of Hummingbird to run on the same machine without conflict, as long as they’re using different Twitter […]
Hummingbird Updated to Version 0.60
I’ve always questioned the wisdom of building a startup company based around someone else’s platform, like Facebook games or Gmail inbox add-ons. You’re totally at the mercy of the other company. (Many people have found out how silly it was to go up against Microsoft or Apple in just the same way.) And yet, here […]
An Installation Shell-Script for Palm Prē Developers
Last week, I wrote that I’d been working on a script to easily install homebrew apps on the Palm Prē. It now looks like there are much better ways to handle such things — I’ve become quite a fan of fileCoaster, myself, and of course webOSQuickInstall is a wonderful piece of work, as well. But just […]
Announcement: Hummingbird Upgraded to Version 0.51
I’ve just upgraded Hummingbird from version 0.5 to its new version: 0.51. Since I recently starting using the #PalmPrē hashtag in my tweets, I suddenly noticed that Hummingbird didn’t make hashtags clickable. Well, now it does. The change is pretty minimal, but it also incurred some overhead in my web site: the Hummingbird web page […]
Launching SSHblock
My latest software project is now available… where “latest” means “the latest thing I’ve launched, even if I actually wrote it over a year ago.” The story is simple: I was tired of seeing “failed password” messages from sshd cluttering up my logs. I was also annoyed at the constant flow of dictionary attacks, even […]
Announcing Hummingbird
If you read Coyote Tracks*, you’ve probably noticed that I recently set up a thing over there in the right-hand side that says “My Latest Tweets”. At first, that was just a little PHP widget that I’d hacked together myself. But then I realized it could actually be useful to other people, because it does […]
Site Updated and Software Publication
Just updated my software page to bring it a little more up-to-date with what I’ve been doing in the past few years. It’s funny to see how my coding style has evolved and grown continually over that time. There were some things I used to be showing off that were almost totally procedural; even some […]
Workaround for PEAR/PECL Failure with Message “ERROR: `phpize’ failed”
When you try to upgrade or install various PEAR (or PECL) packages, you may get the rather unhelpful error message “ERROR: `phpize’ failed”. For example, here’s the result I get when I try to install the pecl_http package: root@finrod:~# pecl install pecl_http pecl/pecl_http can optionally use PHP extension "iconv" downloading pecl_http-1.6.3.tar ... Starting to download […]